Table of Contents
- 0.1.Demo of a Linescale Rating Set - the Dynamic Grid.
- 0.2.1. Demo of a Concept Test
- 0.3.2. Demo of the Verbatim section of a report
- 0.4.3. Demo of a Customer Satisfaction Test for an Enterprise or Brand
- 0.5.4. Demo of a quick and inexpensive copy test to decide which of three ads to present to the client
- 0.6.5. Demo of a Concept Screener for eight (8) new food product ideas
- 0.7.6. Demo of an Evaluative Copy Test of One TV Spot
- 0.8.7. Web site Customer Satisfaction Test
- 0.9.8. Demo of a Medical Procedure Outcome Assessment
Here are a few sample Interviews and Reports illustrating several types of Linescale Tests.
Clients and data are fictitious and shown for demo only.
The Linescale is unique. The Linescale lets many items be placed on the same scale - with full visibility of earlier ratings. This not only rates items, it establishes the rank order of the items. This uniquely creates paired comparisons between any two items and between each item versus all other items. The same Linescale simultaneously generates mean values on a six point - or any other basis. The same scale also generates the percent who rated each item "Top Box", or under each scale guide label. You can choose how many guides, or labels you want above the Linescale. The Linescale will automatically sense how many there are, and calculate and report accordingly.
Demo of a Linescale Rating Set - the Dynamic Grid.
Rate either hamburger toppings or political candidates. Below is a Linescale. Click it!
1. Demo of a Concept Test
The Concept Test evaluates and diagnoses the strengths and weaknesses of a new product idea, in this case a new food item.
First take the short interview and skim the report. Then, read the explanation below.
Take the Interview This concept is simplified for demo purposes. Concepts can be of any length or complexity. (See a long, complex service concept.)
See the Report (simplified, no Verbatim section)
Set Up Wizard Creates Interview for You
EXPLANATION: This demo illustrates Linescale's integrated use of advanced psychometric techniques described in Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman's book, Thinking, Fast and Slow. First, a REFERENCE ANCHOR is established by respondent's identifying and rating their two favorite alternatives in the space. Then, the concept is tested in two exposures. The first exposure is designed to measure the "System 1", or fast, intuitive faculty of our mind. The second exposure is more detailed and is designed to engage "System 2", or the slower, more thoughtful and logical faculty of our mind. Note that each item is rated on the same Linescale. You can see earlier ratings.
After rating on several key attributes, including likelihood of Recommendation, the respondent's score is calculated and shown to the respondent for agreement. The respondent tells why she rated that way in her own words, and then self-codes the verbatim by selecting up to five key reasons for their rating from a list of reasons.
After scoring and "why," features, benefits, attributes, flavors, varieties and pricing can also be tested in the single concept test - and analyzed by respondent's degree of preference for the concept itself. This is a unique and powerful test.
2. Demo of the Verbatim section of a report
See the Verbatims Report
This section of a report shows the free-form responses to the question: "Why did you rate it this way?" The respondent has just seen her score and its meaning, and told us whether she agrees with it or would raise or lower her score. This makes the respondent comfortable we understand HOW she rated. She then explains in her own words WHY she rated this way. This verbatim generally captures a person's salient and unbiased assessment - great for illustrative anecdotes. The report organizes all the verbatim responses from the highest scoring individual to the lowest scoring. This Verbatims report is from a product test for a unique, new antiperspirant product. Click "Open all verbatims..." to reveal who each respondent is and how they answered every other question in the test. (It feels like being behind the one-way mirror at a focus group.)
3. Demo of a Customer Satisfaction Test for an Enterprise or Brand
This Customer Satisfaction demo is for a fictitious regional company in the transportation service business.
Linescale has a full suite of Customer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction tests. These tests let you know who and how many of your customers, prospects and visitors are satisfied or dissatisfied with each consumer touch point of your enterprise. Linescale shows you why they are satisfied, the benefits and features that contribute to high satisfaction. Linescale also shows you the features and drawbacks that are negative drivers, contributing to dissatisfaction. This identifies where the high leverage points are, where to apply your resources.
4. Demo of a quick and inexpensive copy test to decide which of three ads to present to the client
Imagine you are an the Agency or Product Manager deciding which Ad to recommend. The three ads are for the same product. This test can be assembled in a few hours and run overnight. As you will see, one spot is clearly superior. Each ad gets a imited amount of verbatim comment and quantitative diagnosis supporting your decision.
See a simplified Report (id=demo, pw=demo for authorization)
5. Demo of a Concept Screener for eight (8) new food product ideas
The client has come up with eight new packaged rice ideas. The need is for a fast, inexpensive way to decide which of these new product ideas to develop and which to cut. This screening test is for concepts, but Linescale also has specially tailored multi-item tests for screening packages, promotions, selling propositions and brand or product names, as well as concepts.
6. Demo of an Evaluative Copy Test of One TV Spot
You have been working on ads and haven't been satisfied to date. You've learned from each test and now have a new ad that incorporates learning to date. You need to decide whether to run it or improve it. This copy test design works well for print, video, storyboards, roughs, animatics and can be easily adapted for infomercials. Testing one ad, as in this test, is of course a "cleaner" measure of an ad, and testing one ad allows for great depth of analysis, commentary, diagnosis and testing of benefit and feature communications. Alternative copy elements can be explored as well in this format.
Take the interview (simplifed and shortened for demo. Extensive additional questioning, Rating Sets measuring ad communication attributes, brand attributes, benefits analysis and verbatims can easily be added.)
The report resembles a single Concept Test report (See Demo #2) with tailoring for advertising and communication. Copy Tests have their own norms and action recommendations, as does each type of test. Customer Satisfaction, Web site Satisfaction, Product Testing, Communications Tests and Concept Testing each have their own norms and action standards. Note that norms do not vary by product category since each item is always tested against each person's most frequently used alternatives or competitive products in that category.
7. Web site Customer Satisfaction Test
This demo Summary of the report is for a large-scale Web site Assessment (fictitious client and data). The Full Report is for a small, specialty product Web site. Similar tests are available to assess overall satisfaction with your organization, as well as satisfaction with specific products or services, either in test or broad distribution. Competitive Web site Customer Satisfaction Tests are done by inviting competitive Web site users. Detailed Verbatims, feature use, satisfaction with each feature, eCommerce use and outcome is qualitatively and quantitatively measured.
Take the Interview -
See Report Summary with Interpretation and Recommendations (Summary only, not complete report)
Full Web Assessment Report - Sonya Bebeblankee Web site
8. Demo of a Medical Procedure Outcome Assessment
Take the Medical Outcomes Satisfaction Interview. This is designed to measure effectiveness of the procedure as well as record patient satisfaction with staff and facility features. It assumes you have had a major medical procedure.
Here's a look at the Medical Outcome Satisfaction report. These are just test clicks, which will include your answers if you take the interview.
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